Phyllis' Blog

Moments and experiences come and go so quickly, and often we fail to see them for their value in our lives. We don’t take time to ponder them and take a second look at them. I believe to find the wonder in the world, we should be taking a second look at simple things. That’s what I like to blog about – those plain, every-day, nondescript moments that can delight us if we but look.

Signs of Life Everywhere

’Tis Easter Eve on this side of the world, and there are promising signs of life everywhere. The hills are countless shades of green; fragile yellow flowers are bursting through…


Ah . . . Sweet Memories!

Sweet memories are such incredible gifts. Remembering is like going back to a comfortable, familiar place and enjoying it all over again. Have you ever had a memory from childhood, something…



We welcome Do, Re, Mi, Fa ,and So to the Nichols’ Nest. TIME OF BIRTH: Uncertain. They were still only eggs late yesterday, and the Hovering Mama was sitting on…


Wren’s Nest Rival

I expected by now the philodendron would have filled my pineapple planter right outside the front door and its tendrils would be dripping over the sides. Not so. Things changed…


Spring Surprises

Earlier this week although it was still February, I declared it Spring. I had my first whiff of blooming mountain laurels; I’ve seen pictures of bluebonnets on Facebook; the lemon…


Roses and View-Masters

Do you remember what a View-Master is? That wonder-filled, binocular-like instrument with a circular cardboard reel of images? With the click of my finger, I could be transported to places I’d…
