Quiet moments have been hard to come by this busy season, but I found a few early one morning before Christmas. Sitting in my comfy chair and looking out at my world gave me time to reflect for a few meaningful moments. My first thoughts were of gratitude for the beauty that surrounds our little nest. Perched up here and looking out on these hills and the skies bring me such pleasure, day or night. And then I thought of how very comfortable I am sitting in this chair in this serene and peaceful environment – sometimes just too comfortable.
Then, I pondered my cozy nest and my way of looking at the world and began to hope that my worldview is not growing smaller as I grow older and more contented in my chair. The way we look at our world is influenced by so many things – environment, geography, upbringing, education, emotions, relationships, general health, and I could go on. But what really shapes my worldview is my relationship with the World-Maker. Now understand, I believe He delights in my pleasure in looking out my window and enjoying the beauty that He created, but I’m not certain He wants me to be this comfortable all the time.
As I was mesmerized by the beauty of yet another spectacular sunrise, an amazing thing happened. I truly experienced the view through my window on the world. I was enjoying this sunrise through the Nativity Scene positioned ever so beautifully in front of the window. And then it even got better! I gazed at the cross-shaped window frame. It was if the Lord tapped me on the shoulder and said, “So, Phyllis, you want to know what kind of worldview you need? I just showed you!” To have the kind of worldview He wants me to have, I need to see everything through the lens of the manger and the cross. I must remember He, God Himself, stepped down out of heaven to make things right for me, and making things right cost Him everything.
So, if God would step down out of His perfect and peaceful heaven, I think He expects me to get up out of my comfy chair in my ever so cozy nest and make a difference to somebody somewhere. To bring a bit of hope to someone who is in a seemingly hopeless situation. To bring His Peace to someone in a stressful time. To cause someone to smile who hasn’t experienced joy in a while. And to bring His love, His kind of selfless and unconditional love to everyone around me. I need to do better at all of that.
Meantime, I want you to enjoy the photos of what I’ve been viewing, pondering, and looking through day and night since Thanksgiving. I put away the Nativity Scene this morning, and I’m pondering what I’ll put in its place so that I don’t forget there’s a big world of hurt and need beyond these windows. Sounds like I just might be making a New Year’s Resolution. God Bless you in this coming New Year and New Decade.

My nighttime view this Christmas